Friday, June 09, 2006

Contemplating forever.....

How do we honor those that have gone before us? Do we re-tell stories, or browse old photographs? Once someone has touched your life is it ever the same? I feel that love is the bond that transcends time and death. We owe it to our ancestors and our future posterity to make our lives something exceptional. Life isn't about how much money I make, what car I drive, where I vacation in the summer. Life is made up of many imprints that link us together. The human family is like dominoes forever linked by the patterns of life. Am I striving to constantly honor my family, to show them that I love them every day, or is it more of a once a year gathering at christmas, and phone calls on birthdays? I just hope that my family knows that I value them more than any thing I could ever possess. Love is a powerful emotion, and I just felt like letting you know that I feel lucky to be a part of your lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dena, thanks for the new pictures and the comments. Thats a good picture of the fam.